Thank you for your continued support!
There are many ways to share your time, treasure, and talents at Camp Fontanelle. Check out the About Section on to see the many activities and opportunities for growth as Camp Fontanelle “transforms lives through intentional Christian community”.

We are grateful for those who support Camp Fontanelle through a financial gift. Your gift, either to our Spring or Winter Annual Appeal, a monthly or quarterly gift, a gift in memory or in honor of someone is impactful for those who come to camp to be in communion with God, experience God in nature, or spend time with friends and/or family. Thank you! Donate securely online through Brick River
The Site Council, the local governing body of the camp, is working to improve the ongoing financial support of Camp Fontanelle. Camp staff and volunteers continue to pursue the many ways that giving can be done, to support the ministry at Camp Fontanelle. Staff and trained volunteers are able to communicate:
- Current support and techniques used to communicate Camp needs
- Camper and church perspectives concerning the Camp’s operation and ministries
- Potential opportunities and methods for expanding the financial support base
A team of volunteers, with direction from paid staff, have been given defined roles, to implement a more effective stewardship base to allow the camp can continue to grow and serve.
Camp Fontanelle always has, and always will, appreciate every financial gift and every act of volunteer support. The hope is that this Site Council effort will enhance the opportunity for people to hear Camp stories and receive as well as share in God’s blessings as a result.
In the meantime, if you have input to this process, or questions concerning wills, trusts, annuities, or other planned giving options, please start by contacting Ryan Siver, Site Director, who will put you in touch with the appropriate experts, typically Nebraska
United Methodist Foundation staff.