This coming Tuesday, November 30th is Washington County Gives. It is a time when nonprofits in Washington County Nebraska, take the day to focus on raising money for their organization.
We are blessed to have the Washington County Community Foundation and the Washington County Chamber of Commerce organize this special day for the nonprofits. Through their efforts, 15 local businesses have committed $500.00 additional monies to gift to participating nonprofits in 2021.
On that special day, Tuesday, November 30, Camp Fontanelle asks that you consider making a gift to the camp. It is as easy as going to the Washington County Foundation website and providing the needed information to make a donation (link below) during Washington County Gives. Your gift will be used to grow our ministry through enhancing programming, upgrading facilities and offering financial assistance to our campers when needed.
In the past, money raised on Giving Tuesday has been used to fund Christmas Camp, gone towards helping to meet the fundraising goal for capital projects and gone to scholarships for campers. In your giving, you may direct your gift to the project/budget item of your choice. No matter what the gift, large or small, your donation impacts lives and allows Camp Fontanelle to continue providing an intentional Christian community, which transforms lives.
Giving Tuesday runs for 24 hours on Tuesday November 30. During the day, there will be 15 opportunities for the camp to receive one-$500.00 additional gift from a participating local business. The only way the camp will be eligible is if a donation has been received during the hour of the drawing. A SignUp Genius has been created to ensure that giving will take place during those hours . Let’s work to get a gift given every hour! The camp is eligible for one $500.00 gift, but there are 15 opportunities!
Great things are happening at Camp Fontanelle. Please look for an end of the year impact report highlighting the wonderful things that have happened in 2021. There will also be information about an exciting 2022.
Thank you for your consideration. Thank you for the time, talent and treasures you have given and will continue to give to support the Camp Fontanelle ministry. We are truly blessed and know that God has a great plan for us.
Below are two links. One is a direct link to WCNEGIVES giving site and the other site is for the SignUp Genius*. Whether you register on SignUpGenius*, to give during a certain hour, or just find a time that is convenient on Nov 30, your donation on Giving Tuesday is a blessing. For more information, please contact Asst. Dir. Hospitality, Jane Van Horn at or 402-278-0526.
*All donations are done through the WCNEGIVES website (which is the foundation website), signing up in SignUpGenius is only making sure that hours are covered for giving. You must go to the WCNE Gives to make your donation.

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